75 Hanukkah Quotes, Wishes And Sayings To Celebrate Life

Explore the best Hanukkah quotes, wishes, and sayings to get inspired to live life embracing the values of resilience, faith, and hope. These quotes offer warmth, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of the traditions and significance of Hanukkah.

What Is Hanukkah and Why Is It Celebrated?

Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a Jewish holiday that is celebrated for eight days. It is a holiday that honors and celebrates one of the first recorded fights for religious freedom and the success of this fight.

The holiday commemorates a historic event that happened more than 2,000 years ago. It celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian Greeks, winning the Jews’ religious freedom.

The holiday is a time of joy and gratitude, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness and the importance of religious freedom. It is a meaningful and joyous celebration for Jewish people around the world.

During Hanukkah, families and friends gather to light the menorah (9 candles), sing songs, play games with a spinning top called a dreidel, and eat delicious foods like latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (jelly-filled donuts).

When is Hanukkah in 2024?

Hanukkah (or Chanukah or Jewish Christmas) usually falls in December. This year it starts at nightfall on December 25, 2024 and ends with nightfall on January 2, 2025 (8 nights).

Whether you need a message for your holiday cards, a joke to share with friends, or some motivation to get going in the year ahead, these famous Hanukkah quotes work for all of the above.

Top 10 Hanukkah Quotes

  1. “Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.” — Anne Frank

    Hanukkah Quotes
    Hanukkah Quotes
  2. “We light candles in testament that faith makes miracles possible.” — Nachum Braverman 

    Hanukkah Quotes And Sayings
    Hanukkah Quotes And Sayings
  3. “The darkness of the whole world cannot swallow the glowing of a candle.” — Robert Altinger 

    Quotes On Hanukkah
    Quotes On Hanukkah
  4. “Hanukkah is about the spark of the divine in all of us made in God’s image.” — Suzanne Fields 

    Hanukkah Greetings Phrases
    Hanukkah Greetings Phrases
  5. “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” — Edith Wharton    

    Hanukkah Sayings
    Hanukkah Sayings
  6. “Hanukkah is… the festival of lights, instead of one day of presents, we get eight crazy nights.” — Adam Sandler

    Hanukkah Messages
    Hanukkah Messages
  7. “Hanukkah is a time for joy and togetherness, a time to celebrate our heritage and our faith.” — Bernie Sanders

    Short Hanukkah Quotes
    Short Hanukkah Quotes
  8. “The proper response, as Hanukkah teaches, is not to curse the darkness but to light a candle.” — Irving Greenberg     

    Inspirational Hanukkah Quotes
    Inspirational Hanukkah Quotes
  9. “Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart.” — Hannah Senesh 

    Quotes About Hanukkah
    Quotes About Hanukkah
  10. “A candle is a small thing. But one candle can light another. And see how its own light increases, as a candle gives its flame to the other. You are such a light.” — Moshe Davis

Best Quotes About Hanukkah

  1. “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” — James Keller
  2. “It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
  3. “On this lovely, lovely Hanukkah, drink your gin and tonica.” — Adam Sandler
  4. “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” — Leonard Cohen
  5. “A little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness.” — Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi
  6. “Put on your yarmulke, here comes Hanukkah. So much funukah.” — Adam Sandler
  7. “May the lights of Hanukkah usher in a better world for all humankind.” — Unknown
  8. “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.” — Buddha
  9. “We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.” — Ben Sweetland
  10. “The spirit of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is shared by all people who love freedom.” — Norma Simon
  11. “To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, every cubic inch of space is a miracle.” — Walt Whitman
  12. “No wonder God chose this dark land to send prophets to, for a candle only shines in the dark.” — Rami Ollaik
  13. “Still ours the dance, the feast, the glorious psalm; the mystic lights of emblem, and the word.” — Emma Lazarus
  14. “When I use the flame of my faith to light a candle in someone else’s life, my Jewishness is not diminished.” — Rabbi Jonathan Sack
  15. “Hanukkah is a holiday that reminds us of the power of perseverance and determination, even in the face of great odds.” — Joel Osteen
  16. “On Hanukkah, the first dark night, light yourself a candle bright. I’ll you, if you will me invite, to dance within that gentle light.” — Nicholas Gordon

Famous Hanukkah Sayings

  1. “Is not Hanukkah a symbol of Israel, and its light a symbol of his immortality?” — Leo Jung
  2. “Polishing my dreidel and searching for oil. Chanukah sameach, everybody.” — Harry Styles
  3. “The lights of Hanukkah remind us that even when things seem dark, there is always hope for a brighter future.” — Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  4. “Religion is a candle inside a multicolored lantern. Everyone looks through a particular color, but the candle is always there.” — Mohammed Naguib
  5. “Hanukkah is about the freedom to be true to what we believe without denying the freedom of those who believe otherwise.” — Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
  6. “The true meaning of Hanukkah is about the triumph of the human spirit, and the power of hope to sustain us even in the darkest of times.” — Ari Emanuel
  7. “The story of Hanukkah is one of resilience and perseverance, of a people who refused to give up their beliefs and traditions in the face of great adversity.” — Michael Bloomberg
  8. “Eight days the light continued on its own: A miracle, they say, but not more so Than ordinary lives of flesh and bone, Consuming wicks burned ashen long ago.” — Nicholas Gordon
  9. “The miracle of Hanukkah is not only in the oil that burned for eight days, but in the courage and faith that inspired the Maccabees to fight for what they believed in.” — Howard Schultz
  10. “This is the season when people of all faiths and cultures are pushing back against the planetary darkness. We string bulbs, ignite bonfires, and light candles. And we sing.” — Anita Diamant
  11. “The lights of the Hanukkah menorah that we kindle in our homes are a reminder both of the Menorah in the Temple in Jerusalem and the light that shines brightly within each one of us. ” — Libi Astaire

Funny Hanukkah Quotes

  1. “Wishing you a LATKE fun this Hanukkah!” — Unknown
  2. “You’re hotter than a menorah on the eighth night of Hanukkah.” — Unknown
  3. “Here’s to winning every game of dreidel and eating the last latke.” — Unknown
  4. “Wishing you lots of love, hugs…and gelt!” (Gelt means chocolate coins!)” — Unknown
  5. “Hanukkah is eight days because it takes that long for people to realize it’s Hanukkah.” — Unknown
  6. “Hanukkah is all about celebrations that last for eight long days. Make the most of them.” — Unknown
  7. “It would be a Hanukkah miracle if we could decide on one spelling for the word “Hanukkah.” — Unknown
  8. “May the celebrations of Hanukkah be full of high spirits and glory for you. Happy Hanukkah.” — Unknown
  9. “Each Hanukkah, we eat fried food, gamble and light things on fire. It’s like we live in the south.” — Unknown
  10. “On this first day of Hanukkah, I wanted you to know that I know it’s the first day of Hanukkah.” — Unknown 

Happy Hanukkah Wishes

Feel free to personalize these wishes and send them to your friends, family, and colleagues to share the joy and blessings of Hanukkah!

  1. “May love and light fill your home and heart at Hanukkah.” — Unknown
  2. “The true gift of Hanukkah is the gift of family, of love, and of tradition.” — Paul Simon
  3. “As you light the menorah, know that your friendship is a light to our family, too.” — Unknown
  4. “Wishing you a meaningful Hanukkah and a peaceful new year. You mean so much to me.” — Unknown
  5. “Wishing you eight days of joy, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones. Happy Hanukkah!” — Unknown
  6. “May this festival of lights bring blessings Upon you n all your loved ones for happiness n health Happy Hanukkah!” — Unknown
  7. “Hanukkah is a time to come together with loved ones, to celebrate our heritage and to spread hope and joy to all.” — Chelsea Handler
  8. “May the miracle of Hanukkah bring light to your life, and may its spirit of hope and renewal inspire you always.” — Ruth Westheimer
  9. “During this Festival of Lights, may your life be brightened with the glow of happiness, love, and prosperity. Happy Hanukkah!” — Unknown
  10. “May the brightness of each and every candle that you light in these eight nights spread love, happiness and glory in your home and fill your heart with contentment… Sending lots of love and warm wishes to you on Chanukah… Happy Hanukkah to you.” — Unknown

Hanukkah Greetings

  1. “Wishing you a Hanukkah filled with the warmth of family, the joy of friends, and the glow of love and light.” — Unknown
  2. “May the light of the Hanukkah candles fill your home with peace, love, and blessings. Happy Hanukkah!” — Unknown
  3. “May your Hanukkah be as bright as the candles on the menorah, bringing happiness and hope to your heart.” — Unknown
  4. “As the candles are lit one by one, may your life be illuminated with love, peace, and prosperity. Happy Hanukkah!” — Unknown
  5. “May this festival bring blessings upon you and your family. Rejoice and celebrate in the light & love of Hanukkah.” — Unknown
  6. “Warmth of joy, glow of prosperity, sparkle of happiness… may you be blessed with all these & more! Hарру Hanukkah!” — Unknown
  7. “I pray for your wellness and happiness. May this auspicious occasion be full of brightness and happiness. Happy Hanukkah!” — Unknown
  8. “May the lights of Hanukkah bring warmth and joy to your home, and may its message of hope and renewal be with you always.” — Barbara Streisand
  9. “May you get showered with the choicest blessings of the Almighty to make it a Hanukkah to remember forever. Happy Hanukkah!” — Unknown
  10. “May the light illuminate your hearts and shine in your life every day of the year. May everlasting peace be yours and upon our Earth.” — Eileen Anglin

More Hanukkah Quotes

  1. “This Chanukah, the menorah will once again see light. And as I and my family light it, we will say a special prayer in honor of those whose memories it represents. We will not let its lights go out again.” — Dr. Blair P. Grubb
  2. “Just as Hanukkah candles are lighted one by one from a single flame, so the tale of the miracle is passed from one man to another, from one house to another, and to the whole House of Israel throughout the generations.” — Judah Leon Magnes
  3. “At this time of year, when the sun is most hidden, the holiday of Hanukkah celebrates the rays of hope and light. Often, it is through simple and unrecognized miracles that we are able to feel the warmth of hope and light.” — Rafael Goldstein
  4. “On Hanukkah, some people ask: why couldn’t we light all eight candles in one night instead of having to light a new one for each of eight nights? It is because Hanukkah is not merely a cause for celebrations; it is a trial of perseverance.” — Simon Nguyen
  5. “The commandment to light the Hanukkah lamp is an exceedingly precious one, and one should be particularly careful to fulfill it. In order to make known the miracle, and to offer additional praise … to God for the Wonders which He has wrought for us.” — Maimonides


What are your favorite Hanukkah quotes, wishes, and  blessings (with images and pictures) listed above? If there is a quote that we’ve missed then let us know in the comments section what your thoughts are.

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