Focus Quotes To Inspire You To Concentrate On Your Goals

Looking for some motivation to concentrate better? We have rounded up some of the best stay-focused quotes, sayings, and proverbs (with images and pictures) to boost your concentration and help you focus on what matters the most in your life.

Also See: Distraction Quotes & Sayings

In whatever field you are, work, fitness, studies, job, or personal goals, being focused and concentrating on the positive is what will help you accomplish your goals and dreams. In the middle of all the stress, challenges, and distractions your undeterred determination and laser-like focus will make you successful in all your endeavors.

Related: Determination Quotes

We are sharing some wise and encouraging words by some of the most famous authors, celebrities, and leaders who emphasize the importance of staying focused on yourself with positive energy. #stayfocusedquotes

From famous figures like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey to historical leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, there are countless quotes that offer wisdom and advice on the value of focus and determination.

So if you’re looking to improve your focus and achieve your goals, why not take a moment to read through some of these quotes and let their messages inspire you on your journey to success?

If you love these uplifting quotes then also check out quotes about priority to inspire you to get focused and work hard.

Top 10 Focus Quotes

  1. “Stay focused. Get it done.” — Unknown
  2. “Focus on the outcome not the obstacle.” — Unknown       

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    focus quotes
  3. “Ignore the noise, focus on your work.” — Anonymous             

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    quotes about focus
  4. “Focus is more important than genius.” — Greg McKeown 

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    focus quote
  5. “Focus on your goals, not on your fears.” — Roy T. Bennett 

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    quotes on focus
  6. “The only reason men fail is because of broken focus.” — Mike Murdock               

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    inspirational focus quotes
  7. “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” — George Lucas (Star Wars)   

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    Focus Captions Instagram
  8. “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” — Socrates 

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    quotes about being focused
  9. “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” — Bruce Lee
  10. “My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things.” — Bill Gates 

Quotes About Focus

  1. “Focusing is about saying no.” — Steve Jobs
  2. “Where focus goes, energy flows.” — Tony Robbins
  3. “Winners focus on winning losers focus on winners.” —  Eric Thomas
  4. “You get what you focus on so focus on what you want.” — Jeremy McGilvrey
  5. “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” — Aristotle
  6. “Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals.”— L.L Cool J
  7. “Focus on the possibilities for success not on the potential for failure.”—  Napoleon Hill
  8. “Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.” — Søren Kierkegaard
  9. “It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.” — Bruce Lee
  10. “The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” — Sherlock Holmes

Focus Quotes To Boost Concentration

  1. “If there are nine rabbits on the ground and you want to catch one, just focus on one.” — Jack Ma
  2. “I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.”—  Dalai Lama
  3. “I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest.” — Venus Williams
  4. “Humans are not designed to have the entire world’s news thrown at them all the time.” — Naval Ravikant
  5. “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” — Buddha
  6. “These three things lead to positive non-linear results: clarity, focus, and time. Simple but not easy. ” — Shane Parrish
  7. “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” — Winston Churchill
  8. “You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” — Marcus Aurelius
  9. “I learned that focus is key. Not just in your running a company, but in your personal life as well.” — Tim Cook (Apple)
  10. “Success at anything will always come down to this: focus and effort. And we control both.” — Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)

Focusing Quotes

  1. “If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves.”  — David Allen
  2. “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” — Alexander Graham Bell
  3. “Develop the habit of letting small bad things happen. If you don’t, you’ll never find time for the life-changing big things.”  — Tim Ferriss
  4. “Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short in all management of human affairs.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  5. “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” — Albert Einstein
  6. “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.” — Warren Buffett
  7. “To produce at your peak level you need to work for extended periods with full concentration on a single task free from distraction.”  — Cal Newport
  8. “You’ll be bombarded by thousands of requests demanding your attention every day. Learn to distinguish the trivial and the vital.”  — Maxime Lagacé
  9. “Multitasking is the sign of a stressed and diseased mind simultaneously doing many things poorly. Quality work and quality thinking require quiet focus.”  — Thibaut
  10. “Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.” — Lin Yutang
  11. “Where you are headed is more important than how fast you are going. Rather than always focusing on what’s urgent, learn to focus on what is really important.”  — Stephen R. Covey
  12. “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully.” — Steve Jobs
  13. “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it; dream of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea; and leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” — Swami Vivekananda
  14. “Self-actualizing people – highly functioning people who live at extraordinary levels of awareness – train their minds to focus on what they intend to create and what they intend to manifest, and they won’t let anybody change their mind.”  — Wayne Dyer

Famous Focus Quotes to Motivate You

Best Focus Quotes and Sayings

  1. “Channel your energy. Focus.” — Carl Lewis

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    focus motivational quotes
  2. “Focus like a laser, not a flashlight.” — Michael Jordan   

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    focus goals quotes
  3. “I succeeded because I have a long attention span.” — Charlie Munger
  4. “When you Focus on what you want, Everything else falls away.” — Unknown
  5. “The main thing is to keep the main thing a main thing.” — Stephen R.Covey
  6. “Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger.” — Arnold Palmer
  7. “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  8. “The first requisite of success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem without growing weary.” — Thomas A. Edison

Short Quotes About Focus and Determination

Focus is a critical component of success and personal growth, and the right focus quotes can help remind us of the importance of staying focused and disciplined in our endeavors.

Whether you’re working to achieve a specific goal, developing a new skill, or simply trying to maintain a healthy work-life balance, having a clear sense of focus can help you stay on track and make the most of your time and resources.

Inspirational quotes about focus can provide the encouragement and motivation you need to stay focused and achieve your objectives, even when distractions and obstacles arise.

  1. “Re-focus. What’s vital?” — Thibaut
  2. “Flow follows focus.” — Steven Kotler
  3. “Focus on what you have.” — Suze Orman
  4. “Only the paranoid survive.” — Andy Grove
  5. “Drama is a distraction.” — The Stoic Emperor
  6. “We expand what we focus on.” — Wayne Dyer         

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    focused quotes
  7. “Our focus is our future.” — David DeNotaris
  8. “Focus for fabulous results.” — Maxime Lagacé
  9. “Do whatever you do intensely.” — Robert Henri
  10. “Learn to say no or you’ll go loco.” — Maxime Lagacé
  11. “Multitasking is a lie.” — Gary Keller (The ONE Thing)
  12. “When life gets blurry, adjust your focus.” — Unknown

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    quotes about focusing
  13. “Starve your distractions, feed your focus.” — Anonymous

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    Focus Quotes
  14. “Being busy is cheap, focus is expensive.” — Brian Norgard
  15. “You must be zealous in order to focus.” — Maxime Lagacé
  16. “Focus on your greater goal, your destiny.” — Robert Greene           

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    focus on the positive quotes
  17. “For the future, the motto is, “No days unalert”.” — Robert Greene
  18. “You get more of whatever you give attention to.”  Shane Parrish
  19. “Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.” Gary Vaynerchuk         

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    stay focused quotes
  20. “FOCUS – Follow One Course Until Successful.” Robert T. Kiyosaki

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    Stay Focused Quotes
  21. “Life consists in what a man is thinking of all day.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
  22. “Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is achieved.” Swami Vivekananda
  23. “Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.” Robert T. Kiyosaki
  24. “Focus is a matter of deciding what things you’re not going to do.” John Carmack
  25. “High-Quality Work Produced = (Time Spent) x (Intensity of Focus).” Cal Newport

Focus on Yourself Quotes

One of the best ways to keep growing in any area of your life is by focusing on self-improvement, and doing more for yourself on a regular basis. When you get distracted by what others think and do, you don’t give 100% towards your goals. Your ability to focus is instrumental to your success in your studies, relationships, and workplace.

Also See: Focus On Yourself Quotes

When you concentrate and pay attention to your dreams you overcome everything that distracts you from your agenda.

  1. “Focus on yourself and be positive.” — Unknown 
  2. “Focus on you, until the focus is on you.” — Unknown

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    focus on yourself quotes images
  3. “The more you focus on you, the better you become.” Doe Zantamata
  4. “Real change will come when you focus on yourself.” Ritu Ghatourey
  5. “Just look at yourself in the mirror and focus on what you need to do to get better.”  Choo Freeman
  6. “Be a witness, not a judge. Focus on yourself, not on others. Listen to your heart, not to the crowd.” Rumi
  7. “Stay focused on your goals, your peace, and your happiness. Don’t waste your time on anything that doesn’t contribute to your growth.” Unknown
  8. “Being selfish isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes it just means that you know you have to focus on yourself to get to where you want to be.” Unknown
  9. “I’m all about good vibes, big goals, amazing experiences, more happiness, less pain, healthy relationships and staying focused on what matters.” Unknown
  10. “The only one you should compare yourself to is you. Your mission is to become better today than you were yesterday. You do that by focusing on what you can do today to improve and grow.” John Maxwell

Inspirational Focus Quotes to Reach Your Goals

Focusing on your dreams is very important to reach your goals and be successful. Students often get distracted with other things and lose focus on their studies.

Also See: Lack Of Attention Quotes

Be it any field, your work, relationship, or goals losing focus will always make you one step further from success. Being focused, and determined with strong willpower will always get you ahead in life.

  1. “Focus to unlock your genius.” Maxime Lagacé
  2. “Goals may give focus, but dreams give power.” — John C. Maxwell
  3. “Set your target and keep trying until you reach it.” Napoleon Hill

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    Focus Quotes Pictures
  4. “Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”  Harriet Beecher Stow
  5. “Don’t make excuses for why you can’t get it done. Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.”  Ralph Marston
  6. “Directed attention results in precise and effective action. Divided attention results in clumsy and inconsistent action.”  The Stoic Emperor
  7. “Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.”  Rhonda Byrne
  8. “Don’t worry about what you can’t control. Our focus and energy needs to be on the things we can control. Attitude, effort, focus – these are the things we can control.” Tim Tebow
  9. “An hour of focused attention may be worth more than days of partial attention. This is true for work and for relationships. Chronic “multitasking” is a symptom of messy decision making. Don’t try to do everything at once. Do one thing well, then do another.” The Stoic Emperor
  10. “Turn off the news. Delay the unessential. Reduce your appointments. Slow down. Break tasks into small portions. Seek help. Focus on little pleasures. Count your blessings. Sleep. Drink more water. Take a walk. Breathe deeply. Sit quietly and let every muscle relax.”  Thibaut
  11. “You either waste your time and energy multitasking , or you can focus all your resources on a single task and win big. But before you commit to that single task you must choose it with care otherwise it too will be a waste. Focus is power. Harness it and you can move mountains.” — Unknown
  12. “You can accomplish anything if you can: 1) prioritize ruthlessly 2) control your attention. Both of these have become particularly hard in the present age. As such those who can control these two critical factors will rule the world. The Ancient Sage.” Unknown
  13. “Everyone has the same amount of time, and hard work is simply hard work. As a result, what you do in the time you work determines what you achieve. And since what you do is determined by what you think, how big you think becomes the launching pad for how high you achieve.”  Gary Keller

Funny Focus Quotes and Proverbs

  1. “If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.” Russian proverb
  2. “Don’t watch the clock; Do what it does. Keep going.” — Sam Levenson
  3. “Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there.” — Josh Billings
  4. “Multitasking is merely the opportunity to screw up more than one thing at a time.” — Steve Uzzell
  5. “Sometimes success is 3% brains and 97% not getting distracted by the Internet.” — Shane Parrish
  6. “Teens think listening to music helps them concentrate. It doesn’t. It relieves them of the boredom that concentration on homework induces.” — Marilyn vos Savant

Deep Focus on Goals Quotes

  1. “Keep the focus of your life in the here and now.” Caroline Myss
  2. “Be on guard. The road widens, and many of the detours are seductive.” David Foster Wallace
  3. “What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience.” Rhonda Byrne
  4. “If you don’t take the time to focus on what matters, then you’re living a life of someone else’s design.” Tony Robbins
  5. “It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” Henry David Thoreau
  6. “The sun’s energy warms the world. But when you focus it through a magnifying glass it can start a fire. Focus is so powerful!” Alan Pariser
  7. “Games are won by players who focus on the playing field – not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard.” Warren Buffett
  8. “If we focus on what’s ugly, we attract more ugliness into our thoughts, and then into our emotions, and ultimately into our lives.” Wayne Dyer
  9. “Most people think that intelligence is about the brain, where really it’s about focus. Genius is just attention to a subject until it becomes specific.”  Esther Hicks
  10. “Concentrate on your task, right here, right now. Trust that if you do your best now, eventually, the law of compounding will act in your favor.” Maxime Lagacé

Wise Quotes About Being Focused

  1. “Focus on the solution, not on the problem.” Jim Rohn
  2. “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem.” Zig Ziglar
  3. “If you try to do too much, you will not achieve anything.” Confucius
  4. “Stop managing your time. Start managing your focus.” Robin Sharma
  5. “When you slow down, you can focus better. It’s hard to focus if you’re moving to fast.” Leo Babauta
  6. “It’s not always that we need to do more but rather that we need to focus on less.”  Nathan W. Morris
  7. “People who can focus, get things done. People who can prioritize, get the right things done.”  John Maeda
  8. “Just focus on the one or two really really important things, and everything else, just surrender to it.” Naval Ravikant
  9. “I learned long ago to focus on things you can control and don’t even pay attention to things you don’t.” Bryan Cranston
  10. “There are times you’ll need to be wide open. There are times you’ll need to narrowly focused. Choose your perspective wisely.” Maxime Lagacé
  11. “Focus on what you control. Your habits. Your responses. Your ability to learn. Your ability to think. These are controllable and give you massive tailwinds.” Shane Parrish
  12. “The faster and busier things get, the more we need to build thinking time into our schedule. And the noisier things get, the more we need to build quiet reflection spaces in which we can truly focus.” Greg McKeown

Quotes About Staying Focused and Concentration

  1. “To be concentrated means to live fully in the present.” Erich Fromm
  2. “The ability to stay focused will be the superpower of the 21st century.” Cal Newport
  3. “The time that leads to mastery is dependent on the intensity of our focus.”  Robert Greene
  4. “The power of concentration is the only key to the treasure-house of knowledge.” Swami Vivekananda
  5. “Focus all your attention and energy on the achievement of the objectives you are involved with right now.” Denis Waitley
  6. “The artists who endure are the ones who stay focused even after they have reached the top of their profession.”  Simon Cowell
  7. “The past is a memory, the future an illusion. Every moment is the only reality and each deserves our full attention.” Thibaut
  8. “Most people focus too much on what’s going to happen next, and not enough on what’s happening now.” Marianne Williamson
  9. “Modern tech allows us access to so many voices. You have to turn them off sometimes if you want to be able to hear yourself think.”  The Stoic Emperor
  10. “Attention works much like a muscle. Use it poorly and it can wither; work it well and it grows.” Daniel Goleman (Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence)
  11. “Attention is the most mispriced asset on the planet. People give it away for nothing online, and tech companies resell it for a fraction of its value.”  Johnny Uzan
  12. “It feels like we’re going through life in a state of “continuous partial attention”. We’re there but not really there. Unaware of where we place our attention. Unconscious about how we live.”  Shane Parrish

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Successful people focus all their energy on their goals irrespective of what’s happening around them. Be motivated with these stay-focused quotes!

Don’t forget to check out continuous improvement quotes to motivate you to work on yourself and focus to better yourself every day.

If you’re having trouble staying focused in life, try these helpful tips to improve focus, and concentration and boost productivity.

If you think you can relate to these being focused on your quotes feel free to spread your feelings and share them with friends and family on Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, and more.

If we have missed some quotes, share them with us in the comment section below and we shall be happy to add them to the list.

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