Looking for inspirational quotes about farmers? We have rounded up the best collection of farmer quotes, farm sayings, captions, and phrases, (with images and pictures) to inspire you to appreciate the hard work and dedication of farmers and support them in whichever way possible.
Farming and agriculture are a significant part of our society. It plays a vital role in the food supply chain and is considered one of the noblest forms of employment. Farm life requires a lot of hard work, sweat, and patience.
Food is a basic necessity and without farmers, we will not be able to access it. We can survive without new clothes, computers, mobiles, etc but without food living is impossible. It is because of farmers that we are able to eat a variety of vegetables and fruit all the year-round.
Also see: Planting Seeds Quotes
Farmers have to thrive very hard to earn a living. As quoted by John F. Kennedy “The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways.”
Thus, we should take a moment and appreciate everyone who is involved in this profession. These wise farmer and farm quotes and sayings will remind you about the contribution of farmers since traditions and cultures, that will encourage you to respect the harvest.
Farmers’ Day is an annual observance in various countries to celebrate the national contributions of farmers and agriculturers.
Farmers Day in the U.S is observed on October 12 every year. In India it is observed on December 23.
The idea behind the celebrating the day is to express our gratitude to farmers who form the backbone of the country’s economy.
Famous Farmer Quotes And Sayings
- “If you eat today thank a farmer.” — Unknown
farmer quotes images
- “Never underestimate a farmer.” — Lance Conrad
- “Farming isn’t just a job. It’s a way of life.” — Unknown
- “Your farm tells a story. How will the next chapter begin?” — Unknown
- “To those that work in acres, not in hours… We thank you.” — Unknown
- “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” — Og Mandino
- “If the farmer is poor then so is the whole country.” — Polish Proverb
farming quotes
- “To most people, it’s dirt. To the farmer, it’s potential.” — Doe Zantamata
- “A farmer is a magician who produces money from the mud.” — Amit Kalantri
- “The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.” — Will Rogers
- “I always wanted to be a farmer. There is a tradition of that in my family.” — Bjork
- “The farmer is a born philosopher, the aristocrat has to learn how.” — Polish Proverb
- “This farm is more than land and crops. It’s our family’s heritage and future.” — Unknown
- “As long as there are a few farmers out there, we’ll keep fighting for them.” — Willie Nelson
- “The corn is not choked by the weeds but by the negligence of the farmer.” — Chinese Proverb
- “Farming is a profession of faith, hope and hard work. Give respect to all farmers.” — Unknown
- “Cultivators are the most valuable citizens…they are tied to their country.” — Thomas Jefferson
- “A good farmer is nothing more nor less than a handy man with a sense of humus.” — E.B. White
- “We’re still here trying to get the word out that 330 farmers are quitting every week.” — Willie Nelson
- “The farmer hopes for rain, the walker hopes for sunshine, and the gods hesitate.” — Chinese Proverb
- “If a farmer fills his barn with grain, he gets mice. If he leaves it empty, he gets actors.” — Walter Scott
- “If the rain spoils our picnic, but saves a farmer’s crop, who are we to say it shouldn’t rain?” — Tom Barrett
- “Farmers only worry during the growing season, but townspeople worry all the time.” — Edgar Watson Howe
- “It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.” — B. C. Forbes
- “There are only three things that can kill a farmer: lightning, rolling over in a tractor, and old age.” — Bill Bryson
- “As the Republican platforms says, the welfare of the farmer is vital to that of the whole country.” — William Howard Taft
- “We have neglected the truth that a good farmer is a craftsman of the highest order, a kind of artist.” — Wendell Berry
- “My dream is to become a farmer. Just a Bohemian guy pulling up his own sweet potatoes for dinner.” — Lenny Kravitz
- “It feels good at the end of the day to know you made a product that other people are going to enjoy.” — Jericho Sanchez
- “The first farmer was the first man, and all historic nobility rests on possession and use of land.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Inspiring Farming Quotes
Farming and agriculture involves a lot of activities. From working on the fields to planting seeds and cultivating edible plants, it’s a monotonous process. Dairy farming (raising animals for meat and milk) is also an integral part of this industry.
Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock. Farming or cultivation requires a lot of responsibility, hard work, and perseverence. The valuable contributions of the farmer community will help you know about all the hard work and dedication that goes into a good harvest.
- “Farming is a profession of hope.” — Brian Brett
- “Work Hard In Silence, Let Success Make The Noise.” — Frank Ocean
- “Agriculture is not farming it’s feeding.” — Reddy Sai
farm quotes
- “The cows make me smile every day.” — David Jackson
- “Praise the ripe field, not the green corn.” — Irish Proverb
- “The master’s eye is the best fertilizer.” — Pliny The Elder
- “And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” — John Muir
- “He who owns the soil, owns up to the sky.” — Douglas Jerrold
farmer quotes
- “Being a farmer means shaking hands with nature.” — Unknown
- “Most things, except agriculture, can wait.” — Jawaharlal Nehru
- “Everything else can wait, agriculture can’t.” — Norman Borlaug
- “Weeding is as necessary to agriculture as sowing.” — Mahatma Gandhi
- “The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt
- “Sustainable Agriculture does not deplete soils or people.” — Wendell Berry
- “Do what you love to do, and be around things that make you smile.” — David Jackson
- “The story of family farming underscores a legacy of sustainability.” — Amanda Zaluckyj
- “Farmers don’t work till the sun goes down. They work till the job gets done.” — Unknown
farmers quotes
- “Believe in the future of agriculture with a faith born not of words but of deeds.” — Unknown
farm sayings
- “To make agriculture sustainable, the grower has got to be able to make a profit.” — Sam Farr
- “To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” — Mahatma Gandhi
- “Even if a farmer intends to loaf, he gets up in time to get an early start.” — Edgar Watson Howe
- “It is thus with farming: if you do one thing late, you will be late in all your work.” — Cato the Elder
- “An agricultural life is one eminently calculated for human happiness and human virtue.” — C.L. Allen
- “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” — Robert Louis Stevenson
- “It is impossible to have a healthy and sound society without a proper respect for the soil.” — Peter Maurin
- “Agriculture is the foundation of manufactures, since the productions of nature are the materials of art.” — Edward Gibbon
- “Every single thought is like a seed, it need to be sprouted with actions. A dormant seed would never become a giant tree!” — Din
- “Organic agriculture is more about fairness and respect than it is about parts-per-billion of pesticide residues.” — Jim Hightower
- “Farming isn’t something that can be taught. Each plant tells its own story that has to be read repeatedly.” — Kelsey Timmerman
- “The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.” — Masanobu Fukuoka
Best Quotes On Farms
A farmer’s greatest love is for the land, which is his means for this daily livelihood. He is proud to be a farmer and feed people around the country. With the population explosion in the world, the pressure on farmer’s production of seeds, vegetables and food is immense.
For all the relentless hardwork and sweat farmers put in agriculture and food production, we respect and thank them. These thank you farmer quotes, proud to be a farmer and respect farmer quotes will help you think like a farmer and love your land.
- “Agriculture is civilization.” — E. Emmons
- “The farm is part of me.” — Erich Wehrenberg
- “Bailing twine turns every farmer into MacGyver.” — Unknown
- “He who does not cultivate his field will die of hunger.” — Guinean Proverb
- “Work improves the harvest better than the field itself.” — Spanish Proverbs
- “You’ll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind.” — Irish Proverbs
- “If you tickle the earth with a hoe she laughs with a harvest.” — Douglas Jerrold
- “The more help in the cornfield the smaller the harvest.” — Zimbabwean Proverb
- “I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington
- “The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward a civilized life.” — Arthur Keith
- “As long as there’s a few farmers out there, we’ll keep fighting for them.” — Willie Nelson
“The simple hearth of a small farm is the true centre of our universe.” — Masanobu Fukuoka
- “Agriculture engenders good sense, and a good sense of an excellent kind.” — Joseph Joubert
- “It isn’t the farm that makes the farmer – it’s the love, hard work, and character.” — Unknown
- “There are only two ways to reach the truth — with literature and agriculture.” — Chinese Proverb
- “A farmer does not grow crops. A farmer creates an environment where crops can grow.” — Unknown
- “Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest.” — Douglas Jerrold
- “Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can’t hurry the crop or make an ox in two days.” — Henri Alain
- “Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man.” — George Washington
- “Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation, but the only riches she can call her own.” — Samuel Johnson
Agriculture is the backbone of many agrigarian countries like USA (America), India, Russia, China and more. Farmers are the men and women who work in the scorching heat and bitter cold to put food on our tables. Be it summers, winters, or spring, they work round the clock irrespective of the unpredictable weather.
There is an old saying, “The farmer’s day is never done.” The chores on a farmland is numerable and the rewards in terms of money are often limited. But still most farmers love their occupation where they till the soil, plant seeds, nuture them and watch them grow.
We understand the importance of farmers, and we’re proud to salute farmers to make our lives better. They are a huge boost for the economy’s exports and abundant food supply to people around the world.
If you find these quotes interesting and relatable, do check out our collection of missing home quotes to help you go back in time and refresh your memories if you are homesick.
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