25 Famous Juliette Gordon Low Quotes To Inspire You

Looking for famous quotes Juliette Gordon Low? We have rounded up the best collection of Juliette Gordon Low quotes, sayings, (with images and pictures) to inspire you about leadership, scouts, and more.

Juliette Gordon Low was the founder of Girl Scouts of the USA. She was inspired by the work of Lord Baden-Powell, founder of Boy Scouts, and she joined the Girl Guide movement in England, forming her own group of Girl Guides there in 1911. Her birthday, October 31, is celebrated each year by the Girl Scouts as “Founder’s Day”.

Juliette Gordon Low Quotes

  1. “Right is right, even if no one else does it.”

  2. “Ours is a circle of friendships united by ideals.”

  3. “To be inspired is great, but to be an inspiration is an honor.”

  4. “Scouting rises within you and inspires you to put forth your best.”

  5. “The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers.”

  6. “Girl Scouting is not just knowing…but doing…not just doing but being.”

  7. “Girl Guiding Girl Scouting can be the magic thread which links the girls of the world together.”

  8. “Honor. This means that a girl is not satisfied with keeping the letter of the law when she really breaks it in spirit.”

  9. “Badges mean nothing in themselves, but they mark a certain achievement, and they are a link between the rich and the poor.”

  10. “To put yourself in another’s place requires real imagination, but by doing so each Girl Scout will be able to love among others happily.”

  11. “Friend to animals. All Girl Scouts take particular care of our dumb friends, the animals, and protect them from stupid neglect or hard usage.”

  12. “A badge is a symbol that girls have done the thing it stands for often enough, thoroughly enough, and well enough to be prepared to give service in it.”

  13. “I realize that each year it has changed and grown until I know that, a decade from now, what I might say of it would seem like an echo of what has been instead of what is.”

  14. “I always loved animals. I was constantly coming home with stray dogs, cats, and even horses. Sometimes they weren’t strays, but I felt that their owners were neglecting them.”

  15. “We must accept the fact that transport and communications will bring the world in close relations and the youth of the world should have standards and ideals in common.”

  16. “My purpose… to go on with my heart and soul, devoting all my energies to Girl Scouts, and heart and hand with them, we will make our lives and the lives of the future girls happy.”

  17. “My purpose… to go on with my heart and soul, devoting all my energies to Girl Scouts, and heart and hand with them, we will make our lives and the lives of the future girls happy, healthy and holy.”

  18. “When my husband died, I found that he had willed his entire estate to another woman. No one was going to get away with that! Against the advice of my friends, I decided to contest the will, and eventually, I won a $500,000 settlement.”

  19. “Once I showed up at my sister’s with a baby rabbit I had bought from some children because its ears were cold. I put the rabbit on a hot water bottle and massaged its ears for quite a while. After all, I knew that all healthy animals had warm ears.”

  20. “A badge is a symbol that you have done the thing it stands for often enough, thoroughly enough, and well enough to be prepared to give service in it. You wear the badge to let people know that you are prepared and willing to be called on because you are a Girl Scout.”

  21. “Badges mean nothing in themselves, but they mark a certain achievement, and they are a link between the rich and the poor. For when one girl sees a badge on a sister Scout’s arm, if that girl has won the same badge, it at once awakens an interest and sympathy between them.”

  22. “It [Girl Scouts] is where careers are born. For instance, a girl tries bandaging. She find she likes Red Cross work and she decides to study seriously and become a Hospital Nurse. Or, she is expert in signaling and the Morse code leads to her becoming-a Telegraph Operator.”

  23. “Badges are not medals to wear on your sleeve to show what a smart girl you are. A badge is a symbol that you have done the thing it stands for often enough, thoroughly enough, and well enough to be prepared to give service in it. You wear the badge to let people know that you are prepared and willing to be called on because you are a Girl Scout.”

  24. “HONOR. This means that a girl is not satisfied with keeping the letter of the law when she really breaks it in spirit. LOYAL. This means that she is true to her country, to the city or village where she is a citizen, to her family, her church, her school, and those for whom she may work or who may work for her. HELPFUL. The simplest way of saying this for the very young Scout is to do a good turn to someone every day: that is, to be a giver and not a taker. This is the spirit that makes the older Scout into a fine, useful, dependable woman.”

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