I Want A Baby Quotes To Express Your Feelings

Looking for quotes about wanting a baby? We have rounded up the best collection of I want a baby quotes, sayings, captions, messages, (with images and pictures) which you can relate to.

Also See: Pregnancy Quotes

Being a mom can be the most beautiful feeling anyone can experience. A baby is an angel who completely changes your life for good. Every woman wants a baby at some point of their life. These cute I want a baby quotes are heartfelt messages to express your emotions and feelings.

I Want A Baby Quotes

  1. “I can’t wait to be a mom someday…”

  2. “I actually want to have another baby.”

  3. “When you want a baby so bad it hurts.”

  4. “In love with a human that I haven’t met.”

  5. “Already in my heart. Someday in my arms.”

  6. “A child is the only thing I want in this world.”

  7. “I want babies. Lots of babies. Of course!” – Blake Lively

  8. “I want to be a mother more than anything in the world.”

  9. “All I want is the chance to prove that I’ll be a good mom.”

  10. “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”

  11. “I want a baby and I want a family, for sure.” – Rashida Jones

  12. “Sometimes the smallest things take the most room in your heart.”

  13. “No one prepared me for just how much love I would have for my child.”

  14. “If you want a baby, have a new one. Don’t baby the old one.” – Jessamyn West

  15. “I want to have a baby so bad but it may never happen and that kills me inside.”

  16. “A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it.” – Frank A. Clark

  17. “A man is not complete until he has seen the baby he has made.” – Sammy Davis, Jr.

  18. “I can’t wait to be a mom. I mean I can wait, and I will wait, but I can’t wait. You know?”

  19. “A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.”

  20. “Sometimes I feel depressed and defeated because I can’t get pregnant, I want a baby so bad.”

  21. “There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written.”- Toba Beta

  22. “Everybody having babies and I’m like “damn who my kid gone play with” y’all kids going be like 11.”

  23. “I’ve got baby fever. I want a baby so badly, I want to be pregnant, I want to feel a baby in my arms…”

  24. “I’ve been wanting to have a baby since I was 2 years old – I’m destined to be a mother.”- Alicia Silverstone

  25. “When your baby comes into the world and you meet it for the first time, it is like meeting your reason to live.”

  26. “You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope like the future in a basket.”

  27. “When I grow up, I want a son first then a daughter. So my son would beat up any boy that makes my little girl cry.”

  28. “What do I want more than anything else in the world? I want a baby! I want to have children!” – Marilyn Monroe

  29. “Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day.” – Taylor Hanson

  30. “A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again.”- Enid Bagnold

  31. “No matter what, I want my baby to know that they were wished for, longed for, prayed for, and that they are forever loved.”

  32. “There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first and smiles.” – Jared Padalecki

  33. “I don’t want my daughter to follow in my footsteps. I want her to walk the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamed.”

  34. “One day there will be little mini me’s running around, half me and half of the person I love and thinking of that makes me really happy.”

  35. “A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die.” -Mary Mason

  36. “I want to have babies one day but not right now. When I do it I want to do it really well. I want it to be my best project in life.” – Penelope Cruz

  37. “I want to raise my own baby. I don’t want my baby crying for some other strange lady, some nanny. I am not down with that.” – Tionne Watkins

  38. “The body is ready to have babies. Nature wants it done then, when the body can handle it, not after 40, when the income can handle it.” – Toni Morrison

  39. “A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.”

  40. “I might not be able to little baby everything they want in life, but what I can give them is my unconditional love, plenty of hugs and kisses, and a happy home.”

  41. “Secretly sometimes I wish I was pregnant. I want that feeling so bad. I could never tell my boyfriend though. I want to have a big belly and a glow. I want a life growing in me.”

  42. “Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of love.” – Maureen Hawkins

  43. “Someday I want to walk down the aisle with you. I want to have kids with you. I want to grow old with you. I want to spend all my life with you because I can’t live without you.”

  44. “Healthy love, I always think, is… wanting the person you love to be more of themselves. And I think for a parent that’s a challenge, because you have to let a baby spread its wings.”- Anne-Marie Duff

  45. “Having a baby is the start of your very own love story. From the moment you meet them you instantly know that person is going to be someone you love your whole entire life with everything you’ve got.”

  46. “In fact I have nightmares about having children. I want to carry a baby and feel the life within me and in my dream, I do. But every time after it’s born, there’s this incredible fear, this pounding pulse of fear. It’s a real bad nightmare.” – Sharon Gless

  47. “I want a baby, with eyes as beautiful as the stars and a smile that makes the heart flutter. I want a baby, with a chuckle so rich my ringtone changes forever. I want a baby, a boy in my image, my own his father’s son. His mother’s heart. I want a baby, a girl drawing perfection from her mother’s glowing face. I want a baby, one to love and cherish a child borne of love, our miracle.”

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