Harley Quinn And Joker Quotes About Love And Life

Looking for quotes by your favorite character Harley Quinn? We have rounded up the best collection of Harley Quinn And Joker Quotes, sayings, dialogues, one-liners, captions, (with images and pictures) from the famous Batman: The Animated Series

Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel, also known as Harley Quinn (a pun on the word “harlequin”), first appeared in the Batman. Harley Quinn’s most recent rebirth in the 2016 film “Suicide Squad” brought her character back to the forefront and made her an instant icon because of her rebellious, and fashionista character.

Harley Quinn is by far one of the coolest, crazy, and most terrifying anti-heroines the world has seen. She’s the classic blend of attitude, madness, funny and scary, all wrapped up in a gorgeous package. She is driven by some unstable, dark and scary impulses, as well as her love for her one and only, the Joker.

These quotes from the series and comic are a mix of sassy, funny, inspirational, and romantic by Harley Quinn and Joker.

Harley Quinn And Joker Love Quotes

  1. “I got you a kitty.”

  2. “You’re my friend, too.”

  3. “I’m bored. Play with me.”

  4. “Wait till they get a load of me.”

  5. “I’ll show you how dark I can be.”                                                                                                                                                 
    Harley Quinn Quotes
    Harley Quinn Quotes

  6. “I’m an agent of chaos.” – Joker

  7. “Start with the Harley in a mirror.”

  8. “There is no sanity clause!” – Joker

  9. “You can be my crazy, I’ll be your insane.”

  10. “I did everything you said. I helped you.”

  11. “So what if I’m crazy? the best people are.”                                                                                                                     
    Harley Quinn Quotes Images
    Harley Quinn Quotes Images

  12. “If I weren’t crazy, I’d be insane!” – Joker

  13. “My boss likes me to wear a smile to work.”                                                                                                           
    Famous Harley Quinn Quotes
    Famous Harley Quinn Quotes

  14. “I dunno about ‘genius,’ but I do got a PhD.”

  15. “I promised you some entertainment, right, boys?”

  16. “What are you gonna do? You gonna kill me, Mr. J?”

  17. “You don’t like me? Fine. Don’t waste my time then.”

  18. “We’re bad guys, it’s what we do.” – Harley Quinn                                                                                           
    Best Harley Quinn Quotes
    Best Harley Quinn Quotes

  19. “Don’t call me Puddin’!” – Joker to Harley Quinn

  20. “You really put the ‘fun’ in funeral” – Harley Quinn                                                                                             
    Funny Harley Quinn Quotes
    Funny Harley Quinn Quotes

  21. “Without Batman, crime has no punch line.” – Joker

  22. “I sleep where I want, when I want, with who I want.”

  23. “Every man needs that one crazy bi*ch in his corner.”

  24. “A villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told.”

  25. “They’ve got Hello Kitty on them. They’re fashionable.”

  26. “If you have to explain a joke, there is no joke!” – Joker

  27. “I’m known to be quite vexing, I’m just forewarning you.”

  28. “He saw darkness in beauty. She saw beauty in darkness.”

  29. “Find what you love and let it kill you.” – Harley Quinn                                                                               
    Harley Quinn Love Quotes
    Harley Quinn Love Quotes

  30. “I don’t go crazy, I am crazy. I just go normal time to time.”                                                                                                       
    Harley Quinn Quotes Pictures
    Harley Quinn Quotes Pictures

  31. “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” – Joker                                                                                                         
    Joker And Harley Quinn Quotes Images
    Joker And Harley Quinn Quotes Images

  32. “You know it’s love when you can’t get enough of craziness.”

  33. “I’m going to hotwire a car. Need a ride?” – Harley Quinn

  34. “Have you heard this new Taylor Swift song? It’s soooo good.”

  35. “Don’t know if I wanna kill you or kiss you.” – Harley Quinn                                                                                 
    Harley Quinn And Joker Love Quotes
    Harley Quinn And Joker Love Quotes

  36. “You think after living with Mistah J I’d be used to a little pain.”

  37. “Yeesh, ya make one little mistake and they never letcha forget!”

  38. “Just let me in. I promise. Let me in! I promise I won’t hurt you!”

  39. “When you miss me, remember, when you had me, I wasn’t enough.”

  40. “A man with nothing to fear is a man with nothing to love.” – Joker                                                                           
    Joker And Harley Quinn Sayings
    Joker And Harley Quinn Sayings

  41. “We had mad love, once upon a time. But now that’s over, Mistah J.”

  42. “If I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!” – Joker

  43. “Own that sh*t. Own it! What do you think was gonna happen? Huh?”

  44. “If I get mad at you that means I still care. Worry when I don’t get mad.”                                                 
    Romantic Harley Quinn And Joker Love Quotes
    Romantic Harley Quinn And Joker Love Quotes

  45. “Look…I’m only doing this to help you. Let’s try this again. Acceptance.”

  46. “You don’t have to be crazy to be in love. But it helps.” – Harley Quinn                                                                       
    Harley Quinn And Joker Quotes
    Harley Quinn And Joker Quotes

  47. “We’re finished, you and me. I’ve got someone new now. Someone better.”

  48. “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” – Mistah Jay

  49. “I’m not sure if I attract crazy or if I make them that way.” – Harley Quinn                                                     
    Harley Quinn Quotes Crazy
    Harley Quinn Quotes Crazy

  50. “Are you sweet talkin’ me? All’a that chitchat’s gonna getcha hurt…” – Joker

  51. “Oh, come on, Puddin! Don’t you wanna rev up your ‘Harley’? Vroom vroom”

  52. “Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy.” – Harley Quinn                                                                                                                                     
    Harley Quinn And Joker Love Quotes Images
    Harley Quinn And Joker Love Quotes Images

  53. “Now you feel like you’ve someone by your side-to share the journey with you.”

  54. “I’m crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS? Nooo, thank you!” – Joker

  55. “Look on the bright side – tomorrow you’ll be feeding hundreds of hungry cats!”

  56. “I believe that whatever doesn’t kill you, simply makes you… stranger.” – Joker

  57. “My love for my Joker was stronger than their mad house walls.” – Harley Quinn                                                                                                                                                                         
    Mad Harley Quinn And Joker Love Quotes
    Mad Harley Quinn And Joker Love Quotes

  58. “Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power.” – Joker to Harley Quinn

  59. “Whatever you say, Mistah J! Just gimme a sec to find the form and I’ll commit myself!”

  60. “Nice work, butterfingers, why didn’tcha just turn the bat signal on while you were at it!”

  61. “Every woman has a crazy side that only the right man can bring out.” – Harley Quinn

  62. “I’ll never understand why Superman wears the same outfits every day.” – Harley Quinn

  63. “You can’t deny there’s an element of glamour to these super-criminals.” – Harley Quinn                                                                                                                                                 
    Harley Quinn Quotes Batman Adventure
    Harley Quinn Quotes Batman Adventure

  64. “A little bird told me some creep was dressed up like the Joker, fighting a Batman wannabe.”

  65. “Why can’t a girl be nice to a guy without the mook trying to murder her?” – Harley Quinn                                                                                                                                           
    Harley Quinn Quotes Suicide Squad
    Harley Quinn Quotes Suicide Squad

  66. “Nice to meet you. Love your perfume. What is that? The stench of death?” – Harley Quinn

  67. “You see, I’m, a guy of simple taste. I enjoy dynamite, and gunpowder…and gasoline!” – Joker

  68. “Fall in love with the person who enjoys your madness, not an idiot who forces you to be normal.”

  69. “To me love is about being able to see the light inside of a person who sees nothing but darkness.”                                                                                                                                                 
    Joker And Harley Quinn Love Quotes
    Joker And Harley Quinn Love Quotes

  70. “Don’t get me wrong, my puddin’s a little rough, but he loves me, really.” – Harley about Joker                                                                                                                                                             
    Joker And Harley Quinn Quotes
    Joker And Harley Quinn Quotes

  71. “In case ya ain’t figured it out, today’s the Joker’s big homecoming, and you’re the guest of honor.”

  72. “Oh buckets full, honey. I was tryin’ too hard to impress the wrong guy. Kinda like you with Superman.”

  73. “I know the voices in my head aren’t real, but sometimes their ideas are absolutely awesome.” – Joker

  74. “I may look happy but honestly dear, the only way I will really smile is if you cut me ear to ear.” – Joker

  75. “What? Oh, I’m not gonna kill ya. I’m just gonna hurt ya… really, really bad.” – Joker to Harley Quinn

  76. “Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, Momma’s gonna kill for you the whole damn world.” – Harley Quinn

  77. “No matter how broken you are. There is someone out there who will love you enough to put you back together again.”                                                                                                 
    Joker And Harley Quotes
    Joker And Harley Quotes

  78. “That’s so cute, you think you’re scary. Well, mister, I’ve seen scary and you don’t have his smile.” – Harley Quinn

  79. “I love him not for the way he silenced my demons, but for the way his demons dances with mine.” – Harley Quinn                                                                                                   
    Harley Quinn Quotes To Joker
    Harley Quinn Quotes To Joker

  80. “I’ll show ya! I’ll pull a big heist all by myself and I’ll be laughing atcha, ya hear?Ha ha, Laughing! *sigh* I miss him already!”

  81. “I know how the world works, okay? And when it comes to the heart, everyone for themselves, right?” – Harley Quinn

  82. “Didn’t you like my show? Well, try this one. It’s called ‘Animals Attack People I Hate’. It’s a comedy.” – Harley Quinn

  83. “Look alive, wage slaves! Preeeesenting – the Caliph of Clowns, that Mogul of Mountebanks – the One and Only – JOKER!”

  84. “What’s wrong with you, B-man? You come into Mista J’s home and just start smashing it to pieces! Don’t you know he’s sick?”

  85. “What was that? I should kill everyone and escape? Sorry, it’s the voices. Ahaha, I’m kidding! That’s not what they really said.”

  86. I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and makes a six-inch-diameter exit wound in you.” – Harley Quinn

  87. “Just shoot him? Know this, my sweet. The death of Batman will be nothing less than a masterpiece.” – Joker to Harley Quinn

  88. “I have done everything you said. Every test, every trial, every initiation. I have proved I love you. Just accept it!” – Harley Quinn                                                                                           
    Harley Quinn Quotes Comic
    Harley Quinn Quotes Comic

  89. “You thought I was just another bubble-headed blond bimbo! Well, the joke’s on you, ’cause I’m not even a real blonde.” – Harley Quinn

  90. “I suppose I’m going to have to teach you a lesson so you can better follow in his footsteps. Nah, I’m just gonna keep beating you.” – Joker

  91. “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.” – Joker

  92. “You’ve got the look. And a lotta nerve. What you don’t have is the right. Joker was a hero. You’re not fit to lick his boutonniere!” – Harley Quinn

  93. “I’m having a BAD DAY! I’m sick of people trying to shoot me, run me over or blow me up! All I wanted was a new dress – and I actually paid for it!”

  94. “I’d just to like to say, if there were no Batman, there’d be no Joker and I never woulda met my Puddin!! Thankyou, Batman! – Harley Quinn

  95. “You can’t kill me without becoming like me! I can’t kill you without losing the only human being who can keep up with me! Isn’t it IRONIC?” – Joker

  96. “You’re a certified nutzo wanted by the law in two dozen states and hopelessly in love with a murderous psychopathic clown.” – Harley Quinn

  97. “Never again. No more obsession, no more craziness, no more Joker. I finally see that slime for what he is: a murderous, manipulative, irredeemable…”

  98. “Funny thing is, I much prefer a knife to a gun. It’s hard to get precision from guns. I manage but it took some doing. You understand. I can tell. Few do.” – Joker
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