40 Misty Copeland Quotes by The Famous Ballet Dancer

Misty Copeland, the renowned American ballet dancer, defied odds by starting ballet at 13. Joining the American Ballet Theatre in 2000, she made history in 2015 as their first African American principal dancer. Here are the most famous Misty Copeland quotes to inspire determination and success in life.

Beyond her accomplishments on stage, Copeland has become a beacon of inspiration for aspiring dancers worldwide. Through her advocacy and outreach efforts, she strives to make ballet more inclusive and accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Copeland’s impact extends beyond the realm of dance, as she uses her platform to advocate for social change and empowerment. Let’s dive and check out some of her most popular quotes that will inspire you to follow your dreams.

Top 10 Misty Copeland Quotes

  1. “Start unknown, finish unforgettable.” — Misty Copeland 

    misty copeland quotes
    misty copeland quotes
  2. “Without my mentors, there is no Misty.” — Misty Copeland 

    misty copeland famous quotes
    misty copeland famous quotes
  3. “Finding ballet was like finding this missing piece of myself.” — Misty Copeland 

    quotes from misty copeland
    quotes from misty copeland
  4. “The path to your success is not as fixed and inflexible as you think.” — Misty Copeland 

    misty copeland quote
    misty copeland quote
  5. “Don’t underestimate yourself. You are more capable than you think.” — Misty Copeland 

    misty copeland quotes images
    misty copeland quotes images
  6. “I think that training is the key, definitely, and I devoted my life to it.” — Misty Copeland
  7. “More often than we realize, people see in us what we don’t see in ourselves.” — Misty Copeland 

    misty copeland sayings
    misty copeland sayings
  8. “Know that you can start late, look different, be uncertain and still succeed.” — Misty Copeland 

    best misty copeland quotes
    Best Misty Copeland quotes
  9. “Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” — Misty Copeland 

    misty copeland quotes be strong
    misty copeland quotes be strong
  10. “You have to be the one promoting yourself. If you don’t think that you’re worthy, you’re never going to make it.” — Misty Copeland 

    misty copeland quotations
    misty copeland quotations

Best Misty Copeland Quotes

  1. “It’s time to write our own story.” — Misty Copeland
  2. “I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday.” — Misty Copeland
  3. “You can dream big and it doesn’t matter what you look like, where you come from.” — Misty Copeland
  4. “My childhood is a part of my story, and it’s why I’m who I am today and why my career is what it is.” — Misty Copeland
  5. “When I was younger, my feet would hurt a lot, but you build up calluses and strength and you don’t feel as much pain there.” — Misty Copeland
  6. “It’s difficult to exist as a woman, especially I think as a powerful woman. You want to stand strong and you want to be considered and equal.” — Misty Copeland
  7. “Every time I step onto the stage, it’s not only proving to the audience that I’m capable but to myself.” — Misty Copeland
  8. “Being one of the few African American women to make it to this level in a classical ballet company, the level of American Ballet Theatre, takes a lot of perseverance.” — Misty Copeland
  9. Success is not easy and I think everyone should know that hard work and perseverance and being open to giving back are so much more powerful than stepping all over people to get to the top.” — Misty Copeland
  10. “All you can do is be your best self. I’ve always felt that I had to be that much more aware of how I present myself. I’m representing more than just me. I think every person should think that way.” — Misty Copeland

Famous Quotes From Misty Copeland

  1. “All you can do is trust in yourself.” — Misty Copeland
  2. “I know I will never let myself be complacent in life.” — Misty Copeland
  3. “Before you can achieve, you must believe in yourself.” — Misty Copeland
  4. “I just try to approach every opportunity on stage, as if it’s my first time and my last time.” — Misty Copeland
  5. “Finding your power doesn’t have to be scary. Instead, it makes you feel free, in control, strong, and proud.” — Misty Copeland
  6. “You can do anything you want, even if you are being told negative things. Stay strong and find motivation.” — Misty Copeland
  7. “There’s no taking days off. We’re as good as our last performance, and you’re constantly working to be better every day.” — Misty Copeland
  8. “Ballet was exactly what I was searching for, but my environment definitely made me the dancer and the person that I am today. And the Hip-Hop culture was a big part of it.” — Misty Copeland
  9. “Maybe I’m seeing myself in a different way than the people in the audience see me, ’cause to me, I think I look like a ballerina and I feel like a ballerina. But maybe I’m not seeing what other people are seeing.” — Misty Copeland
  10. “I say over and over again that I am just standing on the shoulders of so many who have set this path for me, and they may not be seen or recognized or have been given an opportunity to have a voice, but I’m here representing all of those dancers. Dance Theatre of Harlem Virginia Johnson, Tai Jimenez, Lauren Anderson.” — Misty Copeland

Misty Copeland Quotes About Dance

  1. “Every time I dance, I’m trying to prove myself to myself.” — Misty Copeland
  2. “My goal has always been to be a principal dancer with ABT.” — Misty Copeland
  3. “The higher you go up in rank, usually the longer you can dance.” — Misty Copeland
  4. “My first ballet class was on a basketball court. I’m in my gym clothes and my socks trying to do this thing called ballet.” — Misty Copeland
  5. “The best piece of advice that I remember probably on a daily basis is to accept everything about me that is different. That is what makes me special.” — Misty Copeland
  6. “You’re always working to improve, and you’re always being critiqued on your next performance. It’s not about what you’ve done. There’s always room to grow.” — Misty Copeland
  7. “The woman represents ballet. She is most important, powerful and vital to it. Therefore, she is not “less than” a man. If anything she is “more than” in this field.” — Misty Copeland
  8. “I feel like I represent every young dancer, and even non-dancer, who felt they were not accepted by the ballet world. I’d like to think that they can see themselves in me.” — Misty Copeland
  9. “Going on stage and doing ballet, for the first time, was even more verification of, “This is what I’m meant to do. This is what I’m going to do. I’m going to make it somehow.” — Misty Copeland
  10. “When you see the body outside of a costume and see the strength that it takes, people would look at dance a different way and see how athletic it is. You’re not just born like that.” — Misty Copeland


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